Monday, 3 March 2014

Divorce Recovery for Men

Divorce recovery for men can be a long and painful process, or it can be something you can work through in just a few days or weeks if you know how. This is not because some men cope better, or that some are soulless and emotionless robots. Recovering quickly from a divorce is all about understanding your mental state and being able to train your brain and emotions to get to the acceptance of divorce with a whole new attitude and sense of self respect.

To do this you need to understand that dealing with divorce is exactly the same as dealing with any sort of grief. The loss of a loved one causes many similar thoughts and emotions as does losing your wife, even she is still around. Let take a quick look at the cycle of grief.


Denial is the first stage which is where you have not fully accepted the reality of the situation. Often there is a lot of delusion here about what is happening and an overriding idea that things will be “back to normal soon”.


Once the reality does sink in however, the real hurt starts to set in and as a result the first, most primal reaction, is to hurt someone else and release the frustration and rage that is building inside of you. While most tend to only live in this zone for a short period, in some cases this anger stage can embed in every part of your life leaving you bitter and never resolving your grief.


Once the anger does subside and you can see the end coming and a new, sing, and scary life approaching you may find yourself bargaining. This is the acts of trying to salvage as much as you can of your old life. From asking her to take you back, to trying to work out bizarre arrangements that will never really work, this stage is a stage of desperation.


Once anger, begging, pleading, and many other measures have not worked and you realize it. You may find yourself drained of all energy and motivation. This is a dangerous stage called depression. Sometimes it is simply a prolonged sadness and lack of lust for life, other times it could be full blown clinical depression that come with suicidal thoughts.


Finally you will reach the final stage of divorce recovery for men; acceptance. Where you have climbed out of the pit of depression and realized that you must move on with your life. This must be reached to live a mentally healthy life and rediscover who you truly are, and what you really want in life. It means accepting what has happened has happened, and that the only way to move is forward without letting the shadows of your failed marriage influence your actions and thoughts anymore.

If divorced singles want to know about how to deal with each of these stages of divorce so they can move on without the emotional pain and turmoil these people need a comprehensive guide written by someone who has been there before.

Get complete guide on divorce recovery for men that covers all this and more to get what you need to be happy again. Moreover, it will also help you in preparing yourself for divorce dating again; meet divorced singles online and get you happiness back.

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